Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cross Domain Access Policy solution using Cross Origin Resource sharing

Cross Domain Access Policy solution using Cross Origin Resource sharing

Cross Domain Access Policy solution using Cross Origin Resource sharing

while making an HTML5 mobile app major problem we face is while integrating it with web services, the reason being Cross Domain access (as our services are on a different domain). The solution to this is given by HTML5 CORS here is the link its w3c Specification. I am using jquery.ajax to call my web services and parse the response and populate the UI. To implement CORS in jquery i found this jquery plugin useful. One more change that we will have to do is on the server where our service is hosted. We would have to add following in response headers Access-Control-Allow-Origin : * Access-Control-Allow-Method : GET, POST, OPTIONS and there you go you have a mobile application that is now capable of making cross domain access. Refrences Demo Link :

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

HTML5 Web Decks Say Bye to Microsoft Powerpoint and Keynote

I believe because of launch of HTML5 and its wide spread the era of using desktop presentation software like Powerpoint and Keynote will soon be over.Web-based slides make a lot of sense, especially for those comfortable writing code. They’re just web sites, so no special software is needed to view them. They’re built with code: HTML, CSS, and JS.

HTML5 and CSS3 Slides

Starting in 2010, HTML5 and CSS3 were clearly becoming the Next Big Thing on the Web. Google’s Chrome team launched HTML5 Rocks*, an all-encompassing resource for HTML5 technologies. One of the most eye-catching parts of the site is a fully HTML5 slide deck about (what else?) HTML5. Breaking from the reliance on JavaScript in Slidedown and ShowOff, Google opted to use CSS3 to accomplish effects that were once cumbersome to implement in the browser. Maximizing the potential of modern browsers, this was clearly the way forward.

In May 2010, Adam Zaptletal released Landslide, an HTML5 slide deck generator that borrowed heavily from Google’s original HTML5 Rocks presentation.

But Google wasn’t done. Last month at their annual developer conference, Google I/O, all presentations by the Chrome team used an I/O-themed HTML5 slide deck. While not yet formally announced, Google has actually released the slide template as an open source project, called htm5slides on Google Code. Googlers Eric Bidelman and Arne Roomann-Kurrik went a step further for their HTML5 Wow presentation, and released that code as its own open source project. HTML5 Wow features bleeding-edge stuff, like WebGL and the File API.

Mozilla has been getting in on the fun as well. Technical Evangelist Paul Rouget recently released DZSlides, with the accompanying slide show HTML5 in the Wild. DZSlides enforces almost no theming, and importantly, includes support for embedding slide decks. Presenters know that the ability to embed their slide deck through Slideshare is a major reason to stick with traditional formats like .ppt, .keynote, or .pdf. DZSlides is a pure HTML5 solution that replaces Slideshare’s Flash embed. It should be noted that as of this writing, DZSlides doesn’t render correctly in the latest Webkit-based browsers. The latest Firefox and Aurora builds do support the correct behavior.

Check out the Product Google Presentation its extension of HTML5 Slides.

Resources :

Saturday, October 29, 2011

HTML5 Resource Centre Facebook

Hello Friends, Facebook has opened an HTML5 developer centre and is urging developers to use it for apps development. Have a look at HTML5 Resource Centre.
The site provides sections on building web apps and games, testing and distribution, along with a showcase of what Facebook considers standout examples of HTML5-powered apps, demos and games. Developing Deploying Testing the app entire thing is covered in this resource. Facebook has done a wonderful job of gathering HTML5 resources and putting it together in one place. There are live application and demos which you can go through. Thanks Facebook for putting up such a wonderful resource center to help HTML5 grow :-). Lets HACK and try the new HTML5 Facebook SDK.And if we are stuck some where here is a wonderful HTML5 group :-)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dreamweaver CS5.5 Mobile Development with HTML5, CSS3

Hello Friends,

I was just checking out a few books for HTML5 Mobile Web and Dreamweaver 5.5
I knew Dreamweaver 5.5 is the only tool currently supporting HTML5 and mobile web development but was looking out for few resources to help me learn Dreamweaver quickly.

Here is a great books and i believe the only one currently
Do check it out i am still reading the same found it an amazing book,once i finish reading it will post a short review about the same.
Here is the link to the book

Dreamweaver CS5.5 Mobile and Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery